According to the policies adopted by the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN), the contact information a domain name is registered with must be valid and up to date at all times. What’s more, this info is publicly available on WHOIS lookup sites and while this may be okay for firms, it may not be very acceptable for individuals, because everybody can see their names and their personal email and street addresses, all the more so in times when identity theft isn’t that infrequent. That’s why registrar companies have come up with a service that hides the details of their clients without changing them. The service is referred to as Whois Privacy Protection. If it is activated, people will view the details of the domain registrar, not those of the domain owner, if they do a WHOIS search. The Whois Privacy Protection service is supported by all generic TLD extensions, but it’s still not possible to hide your details with some country-code extensions.

Whois Privacy Protection in Cloud Hosting

You can effortlessly activate Whois Privacy Protection for any domain name that you’ve registered with our company in case you have a cloud hosting account with us. This can be achieved through the same Hepsia hosting Control Panel, via which you manage the hosting account, so you will not have to use different admin dashboards. In the exact same section where all your active domains will be listed, there will be an “Whois Privacy Protection” icon for every domain name whose extension supports this service. The status of that icon will quickly let you know whether the Whois Privacy Protection service is enabled for a given domain or not and by clicking on that icon you can activate the service in case you have not done so during the signup procedure. Plus, you will also be able to renew or to disable the Whois Privacy Protection service for any domain using that same icon and the change will take effect instantly.

Whois Privacy Protection in Semi-dedicated Servers

If you decide to order a semi-dedicated server plan from us, you’ll be able to add Whois Privacy Protection to any of your domains by taking a couple of simple steps. In case you order a registration or a transfer during the account activation procedure, you can get the service along with the domain name. If you skip this step and you think things over at a later point in time, you can order the Whois Privacy Protection service from the Registered Domains section of the Hepsia hosting Control Panel, through which you can administer the whole semi-dedicated server account. This is also the place where you can activate Whois Privacy Protection for all other domain names that you register with our company after signing up. Renewing or disabling the service is just as easy and will take no more than a couple of clicks of the mouse.