In case you have a cloud hosting plan and you set up an email address, you may take the option to send and receive messages for granted, however, this is not always true. Sending e-mail messages is not always included in the hosting packages that companies will offer you and an SMTP service is needed to be able to do that. The acronym means Simple Mail Transfer Protocol and that is the set of scripts that enables you to send out e-mails. If you are using an email program, it creates a connection to the SMTP server. The latter then requests the DNS data of the domain name, that is a part of the receiving address to find out which mail server deals with its email messages. After some system information is swapped, your SMTP server delivers the e-mail to the remote IMAP or POP server and the email is finally delivered in the corresponding mailbox. An SMTP server is required if you are using some kind of contact page as well, so if you use a free of charge hosting package, for instance, it is likely that you will not have the ability to make use of this type of form as many no charge website hosting providers do not allow outgoing email messages.

SMTP Server in Cloud Hosting

When you have a cloud hosting package with our company, you'll be able to send out emails through our SMTP server working with any email application and any device. The service is accessible with our packages by default, not on demand or as an optional paid upgrade. You will be able to send out email messages from any place making use of our webmail as well as an email app that you choose. The SMTP server also makes it possible to implement contact forms on your sites by simply including the server name along with your e-mail address in the form code, so you will not have to do anything whatsoever more complex than that to get a PHP mail form to work. You will find the necessary SMTP settings in the Emails section of your Hepsia Hosting Control Panel along with comprehensive help articles for the most well-known desktop and phone email clients that will allow you to troubleshoot and fix any problem if you aren't able to send out e-mails for reasons unknown.

SMTP Server in Semi-dedicated Servers

All of our semi-dedicated plans feature an SMTP server by default, so you'll not need to shell out anything extra or request access. You will be able to send out e-mail messages as long as you set up a mailbox with one of your domains via your Hepsia Hosting Control Panel. Our thorough guides will highlight how to create your e-mail address in an e-mail app and will assist you to troubleshoot and fix any problem if you can't send e-mails for some reason, because we have stored the most common problems you could encounter and their solutions in one place. In case you have an e-mail web form of any sort on your web site, all it takes to get it to work is to enter the SMTP name plus your email. The semi-dedicated server plans are quite powerful and they'll help you send a multitude of emails, which makes them a great choice if you wish to send out frequent newsletters to your customers.